Symbols of Viking

Symbols of Viking and Celtic Culture & Their Meaning

Vikings take a special place in history. People know them only like warriors but they were also skilled farmers, traders, and artisans. Despite the harsh northern temper, these people were also good jewelers. It was an integral part of the life of this nation. They liked to wear and make twisted bracelets, massive necklaces, pendants, and pins. All these things were created in a unique style and served not only as decorations but also as amulets. The main elements of the Viking ornaments are stylized images of animals, plants, leaves, curls, and geometric shapes. Many things wore the symbolism of the gods and were protective amulets. All Norse rings, bracelets, necklaces were considered powerful symbols.

Jewelry served not only as decorations but also talked about the status of the owner. All the Vikings, regardless of gender and age, wore it. However, wealthy people wore gold and silver, while commoners made tin and bronze items.

What does Celtic dragon symbolism mean?

This picture symbolizes the spirit of Earth that can help you to find harmony with the world. It can give the ability to bring joy to others, learn them and promote their development. A dragon possesses a strength that gives the ability to change everything that does not suit you.

What is a Viking dragon bracelet meaning?

Every detail on the Viking bracelet was thought out especially carefully and maybe for this reason Norse decorations are well known around the world. A lot of modern people are attracted with their unique design and form.

The Viking bracelet meant dedication to the warriors, and was a symbol of courage and determination. It was believed that this decoration could bring good luck and victory.

What is Viking tree of life meaning?

The meaning of this talisman is very broad but in general, it symbolized life. This was used during important ceremonies. They paid special attention to this amulet because Vikings believed that the tree is the center of life. But nowadays it is known that the talisman can help to open the hidden potential.

What is a Wolf claw necklace meaning?

They considered that wolf spirit could help them in the battle. Today people believe that this necklace can improve a well-being and protect from danger. The spirit of the animal will help to find the right solution in any situation and channel the efforts in the right direction.

The special culture and traditions of these strong people are sung in the legends that have come down to us since ancient times. Unique decorations such as bracelets, necklaces, pendants, hoops, worn by women and men in those distant times can be seen in many museums around the world. All products were made by hands on an individual order. The jewelry was depicting different animals, plant ornaments, curls, and religious symbols.